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Luciano Laratelli

Setting up unattended access for our building's keypad

Our building has this keypad for opening the front door:

Picture of the keybad at our front door. It has a black receiver on the top left, a small screen just to the right of that, and a keypad on the bottom right. The whole keypad is made out of some stainless-steel looking metal.

This keypad is half of the entry system. It allows guests to enter a code for the unit they want to access. The computer that's hooked up to the keypad is also connected to a phone line. When it receives a code, it maps that to a phone number (provided manually at move-in time) and rings the designated person, who then enters 9 on their phone to grant access. The other half of the entry system is for owners and residents. We use a fob to get access via doors as well as open the gate to the building's parking garage. This system works well enough for most cases, but I had some items on my wish list:

Two other motivating factors are that fobs cost $35 each and there's a hard cap on the quantity of fobs the building will issue us.[2]

I volunteer for the building by setting up the fobs and phone numbers for new residents, which has had two main benefits. The first is that I get to meet new folks as they come to our building, which is always nice. The second is that I (necessarily) have access to the awful, Windows 7-running Dell PC that controls the fob system, which means I can mess around with the values for our unit whenever I want.

Here's what I did: I added a second code for our unit that calls a Twilio number. That Twilio number is using a Twilio Flow, a no-code thing, to accept input from the person at the door. It validates if that input is a code I've provided, then sends the Door Open signal (the number 9) back to the keypad. The flow looks like this:

This is a screenshot of a Twilio Flow. The flow is essentially a state machine diagram. It starts with a Trigger, which transitions to a block that says 'hello!' to the User on the 'incoming call' trigger. After that greeting, we move to a block called 'Init', which asks the user to enter their code, followed by the pound key. If the user says anything or there is no input, we loop back to Init. If the user entered keys, we validate the code by sending it to a URL. If that URL returns success, we have our result: the digit 9. If not, we say 'Code is invalid.'

That redacted URL points at a Twilio Function (classic[3]) which is not much code at all:

exports.handler = async (context, event, callback) => {
const good = new Set([
'123456', // definitely my real code
'234567', // real code for my neighbor
'345678', // absolutely the real code for a trusted friend

if (good.has(event.code)) {
return callback();
} else {
return callback('bad code');

This has been a really gratifying real-world (i.e., not just software) project for me. It has saved me multiple times that I've left my fob at home by accident. I forget it's there until I need it and it has not failed me yet. This setup combined with a lockbox with a key to our front door at an undisclosed location makes it so a lot more has to go wrong for us to be locked out of our apartment. I've paid Twilio $41.36[4] since February 12th, 2023 (when I set this up) which amounts to 10.47 cents a day[5]. It is well worth it, both for the peace of mind and the delight I get when I use it.

When I started this project, I had this whole vision for some web-admin interface to add codes dynamically for deliveries, be able to only allow them on certain times, etc. In a rare (and maybe my first ever) moment of Technical Maturity, I said no to that and kept it as simple as you see here.

  1. These systems ostensibly allow for communication between the person at the gate and the unit owner, but their common exposure to the elements makes this not work well in practice. At two of the three complexes we've lived in with these systems, it was impossible to hear what the person at the gate was saying. ↩︎

  2. This is as per the HOA rules. I know for a fact this doesn't get followed but I'm not a cop. ↩︎

  3. At some point before I started this, they had already come out with New Functions and suggested not using Functions (Classic) but the classic one seemed simpler to me at the time. ↩︎

  4. I've paid them $20, $10.27, and $11.09. I have "auto-recharge" turned on, so when my balance on twilio dips below $10 I recharge up to $20. If we ever move I'll have to remember to disable the auto-recharge and then use it a bunch to not leave that money on the table. ↩︎

  5. Computed 2024-03-13 ↩︎

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