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Luciano Laratelli

Calculating System Velocities Using LAMMPS

For the water research I've been doing, it is useful to get the velocity autocorrelation function, which gives the density of states of the system. Here is how I ended up doing it:

compute 1 all property/atom vx vy vz

compute s_v_x all reduce sum vx
variable vel_x equal c_s_v_x
fix print_vel_x all print 1 "$(step) ${vel_x}" file "vel_x.txt" screen no

compute s_v_y all reduce sum vy
variable vel_y equal c_s_v_y
fix print_vel_y all print 1 "$(step) ${vel_y}" file "vel_y.tyt" screen no

compute s_v_z all reduce sum vz
variable vel_z equal c_s_v_z
fix print_vel_z all print 1 "$(step) ${vel_z}" file "vel_z.tzt" screen no

One of the things that always trips me up in LAMMPS is the difference between using variables created by the user (e.g. vel_x above) and using variables LAMMPS provides (e.g. step.) When using them in, for example, a fix print, user-created variables must be wrapped in curly brackets, while the LAMMPS-provided variables must be wrapped in parens.

Calculating System Dipoles Using LAMMPS
Generating Calls to printf From LLVM IR